Zincated Boronated Single Super Phosphate (Granulated)

Annadata Jibo SSP is an enhanced form of single super phosphate. It also provides phosphorus, sulphur, calcium zinc and boron to the plants. Due to which proper development of crop takes place. It can be used in all kinds of crops like- sugarcane, cotton, wheat, potato, groundnut, soybean, pea, bengal, okra, chilli, mango, guava, grapes, apples, etc., using pest and boronated SSP Outbreak of diseases is also less.

Benefits of phosphorus:
Important source of energy for plants, help in root growth, which helps the crops to accumulate more nutrients from the soil, helps in balanced growth and development of crops, helps in stabilizing more nitrogen from the environment in pulses.

Benefits of Sulphur:
Sulphur is an integral part of the essential amino acids of plants, vitamins and enzymes. It helps in oil synthesis and oil-seed manufacturing in oil-seed crops. Improves crop yield and its quality. Sulphur is a part of carbolic compounds required for the smell and taste of onion, garlic, and mustard.

Benefits of Calcium:
It is an integral element of the cells of the plant, which makes the plant stronger. It improves soil physical structure and pH of the acid soil. It helps in root growth and growth in early stage of plants.

Benefits of zinc:
It is an integral element of the cells of the plant, which makes the plant stronger. It improves soil physical structure and pH of the acid soil. It helps in root growth and growth in early stage of plants.

Zinc activates hormones in plants, producing the required protein. Zinc is helpful in the manufacture of chlorophyll. Zinc produces oxygen and other growth hormones in plants. It converts starch into sugar.

Benefits of Boron:
Boron helps in the division of the cells of the plant, which leads to good plant growth. It strengthens the cells of the plants. Boron increases flowering and fruit production in plants, it carries out different types of hormones in plants.



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