Annadata Boron 14.5

Structure – Boron; Stub. 14.5 ((di sodium penta borate tetra hydrate)
1. Boron Habituation is helpful in splitting the cell with calcium.
2. Boron helps in the operation of calcium in plants.
3. In boron plants, it is helpful to reach the parts which increase the culture made by a light synthesis process.

1. Boron is the essential microsomal element in cell division
2. Boron increases the speed of pollen germination.
3. Boron helps in pollination. And is helpful in the development of fruits and seeds
4. Boron helps in the degradation of nutrients from the soil by plants (mainly calcium).

Method of pouring boron
1. In ground – add 1 kg of boron in 10 kg of soil and roast it in one acre
2. Sprinkling – Sprinkle 250 grams of 150-200 liters of water and spray on one-acre crop
3. By drip – give 500 grams of boron by drip with other soluble fertilizers or calcium nitrate.

Suitable Crops
Tomato, Chilli, Watermelon, Melon, Cucumber, Gram, Cotton, Potato, Guava, Banana, Pomegranate, Elaichi, Coffee,
Opium etc. is suitable for all other types of crops and is essential micronutrient



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